Mark [Admin Badge Removed]

Mark was a demoted admin that raided the site because of a discord arguement, after he left the call he decided to raid the website, thats why most of the pages are deleted and the descreption was changed, when the raided the website he deleted most of the website then changed the descreption of the site to just spammed the letter e, few days later after the incident, the owner dmed him to fix the site and fix what he did, he denied to fix it and said he would do it tommarow and after a long conversation mark tried to ask the owner for admin again to possibly try to trash the website, he was blocked from discord and banned from DuncanzKid Gtag Revival we are adding the pages back by restoring the html elements, it may take awhile

niceyomi (Account Perm Deleted)

niceyomi was a person working for dayblox (which nowadays he renamed his revival from dayblox, to madblox, then he renamed it to goodblox for some reason idk, he keeps changing his roblox revival name) he was perm banned because because he took down the owners discord account 2 times, the owner asked another roblox revival to eggsploit the madblox website eventually getting it shutdown for revenge, he never did damage to the channel diamond website